Apple Watch X: Leaks & Rumors

Jaskaran Singh
5 min readApr 22, 2024


Written on 5th April 2024.
Published on 22nd April 2024.

Apple Watch X
Image Credit: AppleTrack

The very first Apple Watch hit the shelves in 2015, but did you know that it actually made its debut at the end of 2014? So, 2024 marks the tenth anniversary of the Apple Watch and this time, something special is expected. Rumors are hot in the market that this year, instead of the Apple Watch Series 10, we might get a special edition known as the Apple Watch X.

But, the real excitement lies in what new features the new Apple Watch will bring. I have gathered all the latest leaks and rumors. So, let’s dive into the details.

What will Apple call Its next watch? Series 10, Series X, or X?

The consideration of changing the name of the 2024 Apple Watch seems to be following a pattern similar to that of the iPhone X. Remember that iconic model launched in 2017? It was also on the tenth anniversary of the iPhone. So, if we apply the same formula to watches, today three names seem possible:

  • Apple Watch X
  • Apple Watch Series X
  • Apple Watch Series 10

I think if Apple wants to honor the presentation date of the first model with ‘X’ format, then they might announce a new Apple Watch model in 2024 and release it in 2025. This would be a nod to how the original Apple Watch was unveiled in 2014 and became available in 2015. But if they plan to release the new watch this year, it will likely be called the “Apple Watch Series 10,” staying true to its sequential naming tradition.

Same or New Design

There’s a bit of a disagreement between the two most reliable and famous leakers.

According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple plans to make the watch slightly thinner and provide it with a slimmer casing. He also mentioned that the company is considering a magnetic attachment system for bands. This modification would free up space, potentially allowing for the inclusion of a larger battery or the addition of other components.

In addition, Apple leaker Kosutami is so confident about the design change that he suggests people sell their old bands.

On the other hand, Ming-Chi Kuo refuted this and said that the 2024 Apple Watch model won’t see any significant changes, neither internally nor in design.

No Changes to Display

Apple has been putting a lot of money into microLED technology since 2013. This technology uses tiny LEDs to create each pixel on the screen, making it more energy-efficient than current LED. It also react faster, show deeper blacks and brighter colors, making everything look clearer and more vibrant than OLED screens.

Despite these advantages, there’s been some confusion about whether Apple would use microLED in its upcoming watch. Mark Gurman first said the Apple Watch X would feature a microLED display. But then, it was confirmed that Apple has cancelled its microLED project for the Apple Watch.

Now, Gurman mentions that Apple will keep using OLED screens for the Apple Watch for the time being. Despite this, Apple is still exploring microLED technology for future products. They’re on the lookout for new partners and methods to integrate microLED successfully, although this shift to microLED won’t happen soon.

New Health Sensors & Legal Issues

Speaking of sensors, the company Masimo continues to have the support of the American justice system in terms of patents. This means Apple might have to find a new way to measure blood oxygen levels in its devices.

Apart from that, the Apple Watch 10 or X will also have some new health features that will make it even more useful for monitoring your well-being.

One of the most anticipated features is blood pressure monitoring. This is something that many people have been asking for, as high blood pressure is a common and serious health issue that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other complications.

Apple has been trying to add blood pressure tracking to the Apple Watch for a while, and again, trusted leaker Mark Gurnam said that the Apple Watch X will indeed have this feature. In fact, it is linked to the sleep apnea detection function, which is good news for health monitoring. He also mentioned the non-invasive glucose meter, though he said that it’s not something we should expect in this model. It will still take a few years.

Battery & Connectivity

If the Apple Watch X is launched with a new design, then there will be a slight improvement in battery life, otherwise, it will have the same battery life as the Series 9, which is 18 hours. Furthermore, the Series 10 will likely adopt a USB-C charging port, aligning with the latest iPhone standards.


If the rumors are true and the Watch X is launched with significant upgrades, then there are high chances that Apple might increase its watch prices.

If prices remain unchanged, the traditional pricing structure will be maintained:

  • Aluminum, 41mm, GPS: $399
  • Aluminum, 41mm, GPS + Cellular: $499
  • Aluminum, 45mm, GPS: $429
  • Aluminum, 45m, GPS + Cellular: $529
  • Stainless steel, 41mm, GPS + Cellular: $699
  • Stainless steel, 45mm, GPS + Cellular: $749

Should You Wait for the New Apple Watch?

To be frank, It depends on your situation.

If you’re thinking about getting an Apple Watch for the first time, it’s definitely worth waiting for the Apple Watch X. The anticipation suggests it could offer significant improvements or new features that make it a better buy compared to current models.

For those who already own a Series 9 and are considering an upgrade to the upcoming watch, selling your Series 9 now might be a smart move. This way, you can maximize its resale value before the new model potentially decreases its market value.

And if you have a Series 7 or 8 and are thinking about upgrading, you might want to hold off. The Series 9 doesn’t offer substantial upgrades over these models, so waiting a bit longer could be more beneficial. Especially since in the next 2–3 months, we’re likely to hear more rumors and get a clearer picture of what the Apple Watch X will actually be like. Holding off on any decisions until then is advisable, as it could lead to a more informed choice about whether the next model is worth the upgrade.



Jaskaran Singh

Merging passion and expertise in tech. 5 years as a tech writer & YouTuber, bringing cutting-edge tech stories to life.